Thursday, October 31, 2019

On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense - Essay Example Here he discusses the implication of language to our acquisition of knowledge. The second part deals with the dual nature of man, i.e. the rational and the intuitive. He establishes that neither rational nor intuitive man is ever successful in their pursuit of knowledge due to our illusion of truth. Therefore, Nietzsche concludes that all we can claim to know are interpretations of truth and not truth itself. Analysis In the first part of his work, Nietzsche asserts that: â€Å"The pride connected with knowing and sensing lies like a blinding fog over the eyes and senses of men, thus deceiving them concerning the value of existence† (Nietzsche 451-452). Here, it seems that Nietzsche is trying to reject any empirical sense of gaining knowledge. For example, I know that I am sitting on a wooden chair because I can see the chair, feel the texture of the wood, touch it, and even smell the aroma of it. But Nietzsche argues that we only perceive the surface of things, and our  "senses nowhere lead to the truth" (Nietzsche 452). This is what Nietzsche meant by using the analogy of our senses being like a â€Å"blinding fog over the eyes† and thus deceiving us on our knowledge about things. But how do we know what is true from what is false? What is truth as opposed to lies? Here, Nietzsche introduces the concept of man as a social being who creates peace among society and forms a general consensus in the process of doing so. He once more establishes his point by saying that â€Å"this peace treaty brings in its wake something which appears to be the first step toward acquiring that puzzling truth drive† (Nietzsche 452). Furthermore, he argues that â€Å"a uniformly valid and binding designation is invented for things, and this legislation of language likewise establishes the first laws of truth. For the contrast between truth and lie arises here for the first time† (Nietzsche 452-453). In other words, Nietzsche establishes his foundati on of truth as opposed to lies. Since the development of language, all its representations are, according to Nietzsche, lies. Language is a form of self-deception, which humans have created to convince themselves that the unreal is real. Indeed, Nietzsche asks, â€Å"Is language the adequate expression of all realities?† (Nietzsche 453). The emphasis here is the one to one correspondence of an object to that of its spoken word. For example, when I a rainbow, the first thing that I associate with it is color. Almost anyone would understand me if associate the word â€Å"color† to the object â€Å"rainbow†. However, consider the following scenario: what if you were never exposed to color? Since you were born into this world, you were kept inside a house that had only shades of gray. In short, what if the world you consider as real is all in black and white? Now consider that this person saw a â€Å"rainbow† outside his window for the first time, would he as sociate the term â€Å"color† with it? Would he even know what â€Å"color† means? This is the point that Nietzsche wants us to understand regarding language. I quote, â€Å"It is this way with all of us concerning language: we believe that we know something about the things themselves when we speak of trees, colors, snow, and flowers; and yet we possess nothing but metaphors for things - metaphors which correspond in no way to the original entities† (Nietzsche 454). Thus, Nietzsche concludes that â€Å"the genesis of language does not proceed logically in any case, and all the material within and with

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Economics of Labor Markets Essay Example for Free

The Economics of Labor Markets Essay That being said, any topic in the Ehrenberg and Smith book is acceptable. There are many sidebar issues that are highlighted, and very complete references and footnotes which would make an easy starting point for a paper. You could find a topic in current events. See the list at the end of this handout for examples. Submission Guidelines Your paper should be 10 to 12 pages in length, excluding exhibits, although if you come up short by a page I would prefer you NOT try to stretch it, so I will not automatically deduct points if your paper is only 9 pages. Your paper should include: 1. An â€Å"abstract†: A one paragraph summary of your topic and conclusions or key findings 2. Introduction and concise explanation of the topic. This must include some insight on why this topic is important, or who it is important to. 3. Main body of the paper: depending on the type of topic you have chosen, this would include different things such as a. An explanation of the different constituencies affected by a policy or labor economics issue b. Discussion of the labor theory that applies to this topic (i. e. discrimination models, efficiency wage model, labor/leisure model, etc. ) c. Discussion of published papers in economics that have examined this topic d. Discussion of specific data used to reach conclusions in these published papers, and how this data might compare to the population you are interested in. e. Use of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the US Census Bureau, or any other original data source f. A historical examination of similar issues in the present or past (for example, if your topic is the Post-Katrina labor market in New Orleans, look at other cities or regions hit by severe natural disasters) g. Your conclusions based on your research 4. The Conclusion or Summary 5. Reference List (You must use a minimum of six different sources for your paper, and three of these must be from academic journals. None of these can be web-only references. Use of original data counts as a source. ) 6. Your work must be properly documented in the APA system of documentation. Guidelines for this documentation style can be found in Diana Hacker’s A Writer’s Reference; online at ECN 3671 – The Economics of Labor Markets – Spring 2012 http://libguides. babson. edu/citing, and at the Babson Writing Center (Babson Hall 205) and Speech Resource Center (Horn 209). . Exhibits – feel free to embed the exhibits in the document or put them after the references. 8. Honor Code Statement – And please remember that as easy as the internet makes it to plagiarize, it also makes it very easy to catch plagiarism. There is a link to the Babson Academic Integrity Policy in the Term Paper Folder on Blackboard. Additiona l Instructions Use a 12-point font with a 1-inch margin all around. Double space lines and number all pages. All exhibits should be clearly referenced in the text, properly sequenced, and must support your analysis. Edit your document for grammar and readability. Sources ? Journal Articles found through EbscoHost or JStor or any other service Horn Library has access to. Examples of such journals are: o Journal of Labor Economics o Journal of Political Economy o Quarterly Journal of Economics o Journal of Economic Literature o Journal of Economic Perspectives o American Economic Review o Journal of International Economics o Demography o Economic Journal o Review of Economics and Statistics o Industrial and Labor Relations Review ? Books written by economists, sociologists, industrial relations experts ?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Paradox of American Power by Joseph S. Nye

The Paradox of American Power by Joseph S. Nye INTRODUCTION In the book of Joseph S. Nye, The Paradox of American Power: Why the Worlds Only Superpower Cant Go It Alone, he shows a complete analysis of the elements contained in formulating consistent foreign policy in the post Cold War world. Nye obtains a relaistic thery for analyzing the countless forces at play. The forces which are effective on the foreign policy areas. . This permission to relevant groups, parties to talk at the same language. So, Nye everytime frames the matters for analysis and debate. Nye mentions about the obvious chaos in the foreign policy realm of the asymmetric post Cold War. He regularly, logically and permamently shows a deep insights of fact-driven context. THE AMERICAN COLOSSUS The U.S. have control on the world affiars as never seen before in the past like since Rome. Globalization became like equal with the made in US productions. But this domination will be countinue or end. Power means in the foreign relations that the capability to effect desired aftermaths and alteration the act of others to make this happen. Power in here mainly deals with the military and economic power. And power can be used effectively or ineffectively. Hard Power Military power is the most important element that can rapidly become a dominant interest as we seen in the recent events. Although nations dont accept the direct use of force, they can recruit to private proxies to hire terroist groups against foes. Nye mentions that these terrorist groups is similar to pirates which were compressed by British Navy in the 19th century. For the stabilizing military force can be used to fix the unstable relationships. For example in many Asian and European states were happy with the coming of US military forces for making stabilizate to their environment against to unstable neighbors in usable ways. Economic power has became very vital for modern states by the effects of rasing economic objectives increases. To maximize economic power, a state should obey to market rules. So, in one sense, modern nations muth dipense with sovereign economic powers to the marketsi f they dont willing to dispense with a appreciable degree of their economic durability and welfare. Despots that dont care the welfare of their citizens can reject market rules and contempt at international enforcements. Military and economic power are sortly but deftly analyzed by Nye in the hard power issue. Soft Power There are some cultural, ideological and institutional forces can be counted as soft powers. Maket o people belive that they want something but actually you want that, to coopt citizens rather than enforcing them. And that is what soft power is. Institutions, beliefs, and values can be set off by soft power. Soft power is more than only influence or conviction, its the talent to seduce and attract, whcih can cause to acceptation or imitation and can make easier to endeavors at leadership. Soft power arises from the citizens as well as from government. Govermental and popular soft power effets each others, work individually. Vanity, the idea of discrepancy from others, and a close approach to national interest are the factors that erode the soft power. Soft power arises from the citizens as well as from government. Govermental and popular soft power effets each others, work individually. Vanity, the idea of discrepancy from others, and a close approach to national interest are the factors that erode the soft power. Different contentions of soft power is analyzes by Nye. Different types of powers in different types of nations, he talks about importance of this. Soft power elements effect distinctively in modern countires than in the pre industrial despotisms states generely in the Africa and the Middle East. There are also distinctions in lately industrializing state like China and India. But, contemporary economic and social streams toward rised effect for soft power elements. In the modern world only military power cant assure the success. U.S. Leadership Simple balance of power researches break up when soft power elements are assumed. Oppositely to balance of power elements, the enormous dominance of US power is not actually driving other states to unite against it. The excitative attraction of its soft power elements and its mostly unthreatening attitude towards peaceful nations should avoid such situations if the US does not start to behave in a manner that build up widespread affright and abomination. After the world war second the nations choose to ally themselves to the US against the Soviet Union threat for instance; although the US was so powerfull at that time. That was the Soviet Union which made widespread affright and abomination. Till latelty, Iraq and Iran concerned more about each other than about the US, although both of them never like the US. Nye analyzed that dominant power can make eras of relative peace and create trade ways among the major states of the world. Nye truely is aware of the need for some dominant power which is comprehensively accepted as a headman to restrict and reconcile conflicts, stabilize world wide finance and economy, and encouraging the found to the adjustments and establishment of the institutions necessary for international governance. The U.S. is too strong to be effectively challenged, but lacks the power to alone achieve such desirable goals as nuclear nonproliferation and the minimization of global terrorism. In pursuing its foreign policy objectives, it needs cooperation and coalitions that require a complex array of compromises and accommodations. Vanity and one sidedness can undermine the effectiveness of the US power, especially the adorableness and effects of its soft power policies and leardship style, Nye says. On the other hand, US strategic restricts is comfortingly the open and pluralistic attitude where its external policy is improved decreaces uncertainty and surprise and its desire to engage in the way of international governence guaranty other states a have a say that rises the adorableness of its leadership. The role of United States in the egypt-isreali war is that took office in the temporary full followed the Lebanese civl war and tried to break out of Kissinger s step-by-step process by offering a plan for a comprehensive settlement. The Carter plan was much like the Rogers plan. It called for a gradual Israeli withdrawal to kto its 1967 boundares with only minor expceptions in exchange for recogniton, great power security guarantees, and demilitarized zones on the borders. The Palestinians gradully would receive self-determination in the West Bank and Gaza Strip as an independent state,or in federation with Jordan. Neither the Araps nor the Israelis were ready for such a compromise, and Carter s own elaboratiopns on the plan gave both sides an excuse to avoid it. Carter first said that Israel should have defensible borders, the code word in the Middle East for according Israel nuch of the territory conquered in the Six-day War of 1967. Carter tried t? correct this impression by speaking later of only minor border adjustments and of a Palestinian homeland, both anathema to the Israelis. The Carter plan bogged down in confusion as the new hard line Israeli administration, headed by Menachem Begin, insisted on the right to make Jerusalem Israel s capital and plant new Jerwish settlement on the West Bank. Carter tried to recoup by bringing the Soviets back to into the Middle East negotiations. Cyrus Vance and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko worked out a joint statement on October 1,1977, that called for reconvening the Geneva conferencewithin 3 mounth. There the Arabs and Israelis would negotiate a comprehensive settlement under the auspices of the U.S, the Soviet Union, and the other powers. Immediately Carter run into a hail of criticism. Many Americans denounced the Geneva approach even though they had agreed to it under duress. Carter tries to appease his American and Israeli critcs by insisring that America had no intention of imposing a settlement and by agreeing to alter the U.S-Soviet understanding to allow the Israelis to veto the participation. Doable challenges for the United States dominance are realistically baselined and analysed. China is in compliance with listed leading as a possible resource for many challenges. On the other hand, Chinas economical and miliraty aspect involves so many existential blockes and obstacles not only for gaining achieve world power situation, but even in dislocating the United States as the dominant force in the Western Pasific and Southeast Asian regions. Dependence can be formed of culturally, politically and economically. The most easily measured one of them is economic dependence. It can be seen in branches of trade, foreign aid and direct foreign investment from the core country. Political depence is mostly about with security and foreign military asistance. This dependence relations lead to dependent foreign policies Pro-Core dependent policy; dependent states apply the foreign policies relevant with the core states prefers. Compliance is an explanation of pro-core foreign policies. Compliance is that dependent states will apply foreign policy within the context of their asymmetrical economic relationships. In this situation Core states will provide th e economic aids and perphery state will behave in the foreign policiy relevant with the core states preferences. Periphery state obeys the core states foreign policy desires for the economical supports from the core state. Under normal circumstances dependent states constent to apply to pro-core policies. Anti-core foreign policy requires counter-dependence, compensation. Compliance means that dependent state- periphery, make foreign policy decisions considering the cores wishes in order to be rewarded or not to be punished. Consensus means the elites of periphery who dominates the agenda , have the same ideas with the core country in economic or political arena. Generally, the elites of periphery had been educated in core country so they can adopt culture of the core easily. Counter-dependence means, not to cause a relationship between foreign policy and dependency. The periphery country makes foreign policy decisions without considering the wishes of the core but in the end there occur some sanctions to the periphery country such as an economic or military embargo. Compensation process is implemented by a government that does not strongly oppose economic ties with the core, but must respond to the popular unrest that such an economic relationship creates. The theory of leadership style is regarding to three critical assumptions.: reaction to political constraints, openness to information and motivation for action. On the other hand; there are two kinds of leader according to this theory on foreign policy: goal driven leader and contextually-responsive leader. Goal driven leaders make decision in light of their ideas, perceptions, belief system, passion and ideologies. They act according to their personal standards. Constraints might be an obstacle but they can ignore them. They are less likely to perceive political constraints. They are intent to perceive informations selectively from their environment. It means they take what they want to take. And goal driven leaders are motivated by an internal particular cause, an ideology or a particular set of interests. On the other side; in contrast, contextually-responsive leaders define situations according to expectations and interests of others. They pay attention to confirmation by others such as public,media, interest groups and advisers. Political constraints are important for them. They are open to all informations and they define the problems by checking what the others are advocating and doing. Their motivation for action is in light of acceptance, approval and support. In a dramatic departure in US foreign policy, president Nixon removed the long-standing hostility to communist China to support Chinas admission to the UN in 1971. He visited to China in 1972 as he called a journey for peace. Two governments agreed to broaden scientific, culturel and trade contacts. Nixon was the first president to visit China and the first to visit a nation which the US had no formal diplomatic relations. On the US foreign policy at that time; Nixon and his advisers desired to provide normalization of relations with China with the assistance of relaxation in the restrictions on travel to China and American support of the Chinese nationalist regime on Taiwan. So we can say that; by using ping pong diplomacy ,that means offering in matters to open channels, president Nixon ordered a review of American policy toward China. In briefly; the time of president Nixon is the time of starting the negotiations and cooperations with communist bloc in order to detent the international system. According to Nixon; era of confrontation was ending and the era of negotiations was beginning. In light of Nixon doctrine, that aims at rapprochement with communist bloc particularly China. The Nixons trip to China transformed the structure of international system. The visible purposes of Nixon were to remove the threat to peace and to provide stability among the major powers thanks to using strategic opportunity that derives from developing relationships with both the USSR and China. With the opening the doors to China in terms of trade, culture and travel on foreign policy such as removing embargo against China, supporting China to join into the United Nations, announcing the new policy that supports the China, supporting trade with China and allowing export etc.. , Nixons fundemental purposes were to demoralize North Vietnam and the other communist forces in Southeast Asia and to gain superiority against Soviet Union not so-called new structure for peace or law and order in streets. His plan became clearer when Henry Kissinger became national security advisor. The main purposes of Nixon doctrine was get rid of Vietnam War, to protect the US dominance in world affairs, to prevent the rising economic and political power of Eastern Europe and Japan, which have capability in order to undermine American markets and Washingtons economic policies regarding Vietnam, Middle East etc. And Nixons trip to China was the evidence of these aim. On the other side; China, the m ost revolutionary of communist states, had desire to cooperate with capitalist US in order to deter a Soviet attact. Consequently the trip by Richard Nixon to China was perceived as a great success. Because Vietnam became less obsession. It means Nixon obtained his and the Americans as a whole psychological aim. On the other hand; he attained other national aims regarding nuclear weapons in Cold War era as well. Because the SALT I Agreements 1972 were accepted by both the USSR and the US. Therefore the Anti-ballistic Misilse Treaty is a definitive long-term agreement which contributes the US security. The possibility of nuclear war has been reduced by this treaty. He was contextually-responsive leader when he made foreign-policy decisions about communist bloc and particularly China. . He took all decisions about China and socialist bloc step by step and ignored the ideological view. If he paid attention to the ideology and if the ideology prevented the rapproachement in spite of too many benefits, then we can say that yes he is goal driven. But he had all crucial points of contextually-responsive l eadership. Nixon encouraged his advisers to believe he was not only strong. It means he paid attention to his advisers opinions as all contextually-responsive leaders do as well. He tried to gain acceptance,approval and support. He had the political base on the right which protected him from the charge of being soft on communism. With the assistance of this opportunity, he gained the public support and acceptance of public on foreing policy about China and communist bloc although Nixons trip created like a bomb influence on Americans. In briefly; he was a contextually-responsive leader in this specific foreign policy issue. He took into account all informations from his environment and took decisions with his advisers. His motivation and action were determined in light of state institutions. He tried to gain general support and ignored his capitalist ideology. As Nye mentioned before, he is the first American president who tried to cooperate and rapproche with communist China. Globalization Globalization means that worldwide Networks of interdependence. National borders have became more blurred, but are stil far from irrelative. Nye states that ; Globalization has a sort of formats, however all of them too often economists write like it and the worldwide economy were unqie and the same. But other sizes of globalization have important effects on our day-to-day life. The oldest form of globalization is environmental interdependence says Nye. For instance, the first variola epidemic is recorded in Egypt in 1350 b.c. The disease showed in China in a.d. 49, Europe after 700, the Americas in 1520, and Australia in 1789.24 The plague or black death originated in Asia, but its spread killed a quarter to a third of the people in the Europe in the 14th century. Europeans carried diseases to the Americas in the 15th and 16th centuries that blasted to 95 percent of the endemic in population. Since 1973, thirty previously unknown infectious diseases have emerged, and other familiar diseases have spread geographically in new drug-resistant forms. The spread of foreign species of flora nd fauna to new areas has wiped out native species, and efforts to control them may cost several hundred billion dollars a year. On the other hand, not all effects of environmental globalization are adverse. For instance, nutrition and cuisine in both Europe and Asia benefited from the importation of such New World crops as potatoes, corn, and tomatoes, and the green revolution agricultural technology of the past few decades has helped poor farmers throughout the world. Military globalization consists of networks of interdependence in which force, or the threat of force, is employed. The world wars of the twentieth century are a case in point. During the Cold War, the global strategic interdependence between the United States and the Soviet Union was acute and well recognized. Not only did it produce world-straddling alliances, but either side could have used intercontinental miss iles to destroy the other within the space of thirty minutes.Such interdependence was distinctive not because it was totally new, but because the scale and speed of the potential conflict were so enormous. Today, terrorist networks constitute a new form of military globalization. Social globalization is the spread of peoples, cultures, images, and ideas. Migration is a concrete example. In the nineteenth century, some eighty million people crossed oceans to new homes-far more than in the twentieth century.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

History Of Human Behavior Essay -- essays research papers

PSYCHOLOGICAL HUMAN BEHAVIOR Psychology is the very important perspective for human nature. It is very much important for the individual environment. Psychology is very much a product of the Western tradition.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Whereas a new psychology of the year 2000 contains both the eastern as well as the Western tradition (Frey, 04/06). Psychologist self-concept attitudes. Its related to Psyche means call a persons self concepts it includes what a person perceives from the persons the integrate part of human mind motion connected to those with bodily concepts. It however reflects true relationship with the mind-body concept. ATTITUDES AND SOCIAL COGNITION addresses those domains of social behavior in which cognition plays a major role, including the interface of cognition with overt behavior, affect, and motivation. (Primis, 119). Major perspectives in Now, what’s the concept of psychoanalysis is also a psychology at this point includes psychoanalysis, humanism and sociobiology. Very important perspective. As a therapy, psychoanalysis is based on observation that Individuals are often unaware of many of the factors that determine their emotions and Behavior. (Frey, 04/06). It is, in addition, a method for learning about the mind, and also a theory, a way of understanding the processes of normal everyday mental functioning and the stages of normal development from infancy to old age. ( Furthermore, since psychoanalysis seeks to explain how the human mind works, it contributes insight into whatever the human mind produces.( Sigmund Freud was the first psychoanalyst. Many of his insights into the human mind, which seemed so revolutionary at the turn of the century, are now widely accepted by most schools of psychological thought. Although others before and during his time had begun to recognize the role of unconscious mental understanding its importance. Although his ideas met with antagonism and resistance, Freud believed deeply in the value of his discoveries and rarely simplified or exaggerated them for the sake of popular acceptance. ( He saw that those who sought to change themselves or others must face realistic difficulties. But he also showed us that, while the dark and blind forces in human nature sometimes seem overwhelming, psychological understanding, by enlarging the realm of reason and responsi... ...ture. But Both Freud and Wilson said a lot about the core of the personality, no matter in what instincts they explained it. It was their ultimate goal towards the concept of interpreting the human beings focusing towards the aspects and moralities of the core effecting the human nature. Their theories helped a lot for the human society in finding the relative core of the human nature. And these theories of Psychology is still much worth regarding the personality as well as the human instinct of true self, true nature as well as their behavior. BIBILOGRAPHY:- 1. Freud Sigmund, Civilization and Its Discontents, Tr:- James Stretcher, New York, W.W. Norton & Company, 1985. 2. Wilson, Edward O., On Human Nature, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1998. 3. Frankl, Victor E., Mans Search For Meaning, New York, Washington Square Press, 1985. 4. Social Science, Primis, New York, Mc Graw Hill, 1998. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Frederick Douglass Paper Essay

For this year’s I.P., I picked Frederick Douglass to be my topic. The reason I picked him was because he was a great man and a well known abolitionist figure. He dedicated his life to opposing slavery. I have always admired Douglass since my first grade teacher told my class about him. Once I researched a little about him, mainly the time period of his life, I realized he was a perfect choice for my I.P. topic. He interested me and I could easily get plenty of information on him. I knew that all the information I needed was out there, I just needed to go out and find it. I went to my local library and checked out books on my topic. Remember, it’s about quality, not quantity, and that’s not an excuse for underachieving. I checked out three or four really effective books, a few that could be categorized as multigenre themselves. They contained both primary and secondary documents. Secondly, I researched him on the internet; and I don’t mean googling â€Å"Frederick Douglass.† I searched specific things like â€Å"Frederick Douglass as a slave† and â€Å"Frederick Douglass’ escape.† This allowed me to narrow the â€Å"millions† of results one always gets when using Google. I received plenty of good websites that I could use that summarized his whole life. I picked multigenre as my presentation category and its obvious why. Frederick Douglass’ life was a multigenre in a sense. He wrote letters and poems and narratives all about his life and slavery. He personified slavery and did all he could to abolish it. A multigenre would best represent Douglass and his life. In order to make my multigenre effective in â€Å"moving† the reader, I had to look at one of the examples Mrs. Jackson provided me with. Using that as a template, I wrote poems and short stories appropriate to the time period that related to the idea of the wrongness of slavery and Douglass. I found pictures that illustrated Douglass’ ideas, as well as drew a few of my own. I tried to picture myself as a slave that hated the way I was treated to add  that emotional feel to all my writings. My project definitely relates to the theme, important people in history, because Frederick Douglass was an important individual in history. He was one of the more famous abolitionists and publically expressed his views on slavery. His words and writings were more effective than some because he was once a slave and could back up his sayings. Without some of the things Douglass did, I don’t believe slavery would have ended when it did. America remembers him for his inspirational story, a slave who became free to help others become free. Annotated Bibliography â€Å"A FREEDOM WAR; Frederick Douglass and the Second American Revolution.(Opinion).† The Post-Standard [new york city] 22 Feb. 2012: 1. Print. [I used this as an inspiration for one of my poems in the multigenre] â€Å"Critical Points in Frederick Douglass’ Life; Confronted Lincoln on Issue of Slavery.† The Washington Times [Washington D.C.] 25 Feb. 2006: 2-3. Print. [I used this and made a replica of it and put it in the multigenre] Douglass, Frederick, and Philip Sheldon Foner. The life and writings of Frederick Douglass. New York: International Publishers, 1950. Print. [I used this primary source to realize what and how Frederick Douglass wrote] Douglass, Frederick, and Barbara Ritchie. Life and times of Frederick Douglass. New York: Crowell, 1966. Print. [This is both a primary and secondary source that shows how Douglass viewed his life and how another person, Barbara Ritchie, viewed his life and achievements] Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass an American slave. Charlottesville, Va.: University of Virginia Library, 1996. Print. [I read through parts of this as research to get a first hand view of his life. This is a primary source] PBS. â€Å"Frederick Douglass.† PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2012. . [I watched this documentary and used the information to back up my research and make my ideas of Douglass concrete] Root, Damon W.. â€Å"‘A glorious liberty document’: Frederick Douglass’ case for an anti-slavery Constitution.(Frederick Douglass and the Fourth of July)(Book review).† Reason 1 Oct. 2006: 24-26. Print. [The author of this book expressed his view on Douglass’ anti slavery acts and this really inspired me to write a personified story of slavery] â€Å"The Frederick Douglass Papers Edition: Home.† IUPUI : Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. IU Schools of Liberal Arts, n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2012. . [I used the timeline at this website to summarize Douglass’ life and give myself a simplified view of his life] â€Å"Welcome to the Frederick Douglass Foundation.† Welcome to the Frederick Douglass Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2012. . [This foundation really provided me with a good biography of Douglass and compared him to other anti-slavery activists like Lincoln and MLK] Turley, David. Slavery. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers, 2000. Print. [This book gets into great detail of the what a slave would experience and what a slave owner would experience which really helped me with my multigenre] Douglass, Frederick. My escape from slavery. Charlottesville, Va.: University of Virginia Library, 1996. Print. [This story was basically a multigenre by Douglass that helped me write a few works on slavery in my multigenre].† Vernellia, Randall. â€Å"No Struggle No Progress.† autoredirect to main site. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2012. [This website had a poem that I used in my multigenre. It was a primary source]

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Maternal child Essays

Maternal child Essays Maternal child Essay Maternal child Essay Problems with psyche Perceived threat of pain, fear, nonsupport, body responds to stress via fight or flight Shoulder dissociate and what is role as a nurse? Shoulder dissociate is head is born and retracts against the perineum (like a turtle) Intervention is required to prevent cord compression: Micrometers maneuver: Women flexes her thighs against abdomen Supersonic pressure: Done by an assistant to push fetal shoulder downward to displace it from the mothers pubis symposia Assessment: After delivery palpate infants clavicles, assess for fracture, assess to identify creepiest or deformity, if present, follow-up is required What is the position that is most uncomfortable and prolongs labor? Cockpit posterior or transverse position (delays decent) What pelvis shape is best for vaginal delivery? Confide pelvis pelvis is round and cylinder-shaped, has a wide pubic arch, rigorous for vaginal birth is GOOD Know what is preterm labor and your actions if a pregnant woman complains of low back pain that is intermittent Preterm labor defined: after 20th week, before 37th week Risk to mother hemorrhage and infection** Low back pain that is intermittent could be an indicator of preterm labor and needs to be assessed by bob/gym Adequate hydration is important when uterine activity occurs before pregnancy is at term Teach: Any activity by mother can increase recurrence of contractions** What medications are used for stopping preterm labor? Magnesium sulfate IV, then oral Attributable Assessment Fetal Heart Rate, maternal pulse, maternal blood pressure Magma sulfate is a CNN depressant and smooth muscle relaxant can be used short and long term Attributable is a bronchiolar and smooth muscle relaxant only used for short term Know about Mothering: actions and when it should not be used Exotic drug Produced uterine contractions, increases BP, should not be given in Clamps** Loopholes maneuver: Why is it done? Determines the presentation and position of the fetus and to aid in locating fetal heart tones. Less likely to yield information if the woman has a thick abdomen fat pad, excessive amniotic fluid, or a very preterm fetus After delivery and unable to find uterus, what is your action? If uterus is found above expected level or shifted from the midlines the bladder may be distended (have mom void) recheck after voided If funds is difficult to locate or is soft and boggy, the nurse should stimulate the uterine muscle to contract by gently massaging massage until firm Hemorrhage is a potential complication of labor and delivery, what are the s/s for a postpartum mom? Funds is difficult to locate, funds is soft and boggy, saturation of one pad per 15 minutes, severe perinea or rectal pain, tachycardia, excessive clots expelled What is atone? Absence or lack of usual muscle tone that results in failure of the uterine muscle fibers to contract firmly around blood vessels when the placenta separates. This prevents the relaxed muscle to stop rapid bleeding which can cause hemorrhaging. With fast deliveries, what trauma may occur? Fast deliveries occur within three hours within onset of labor Abruptly placenta, teal encomium, postpartum hemorrhage, and low PAPPAS may occur from rapid delivery** If the mom you are caring for has a firm funds, but you note a steady trickle of blood, what is happening? A continuous trickling of blood can lead to significant blood loss that can become life threatening; it is often a sign of early postpartum hemorrhage What are the s/s of hypoglycemic shock? Increased pulse rate, falling BP, increase respiratory rate Weak, diminished, or threads peripheral pulses Cool, moist skin, pallor, or occasions (late sign) Decreased urinary output (

Monday, October 21, 2019

Social and ethical responsibilities of management in business environment

Social and ethical responsibilities of management in business environment Abstract Managers in the day-to-day running of affairs in business environment are normally faced with different challenges that vary in nature. It is of great importance that their action or decision be favorable to both the company and the society.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Social and ethical responsibilities of management in business environment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this manner, the company improves its prospects in capturing new market segments, and the society will have confidence in the company. In essence, social and ethical practices may not be profitable or beneficial to the company in the short run, but will have lasting effects in the long run (Averch Johnson, 1990). Discussion Managers pursue multiple objectives and multiple sets of priorities. They need to make choices from these goals after careful considerations. Therefore, the choices they make affect the ability of employee s, customers, suppliers, stockholders and anyone else with interests in the organization. So often managers have to decide who has the right to what and when. No matter what they do, the actions are either of benefit or of detriment to people. Ethics as applied to management refers to the concept of interactive responsibility; it deals with what is good or bad, or what is right or wrong (Drucker, 1990). It can also be described as the study of how our decisions affect other people or as the study of people’s rights and duties and the rules that people apply in making decisions. In business, we cannot avoid ethical issues just like in other areas of our lives. In business, most ethical issues will be categorized in these four levels: Social level, which deals with the basic institutions in society, like the role of the government in the market place. Stakeholders’ level, which deals with employees, suppliers, customers in the way company’s decision affects them. Internal policy level, essentially deals with the nature of company’s relationship with its employees and managers. Personal level, that involves the ground rules of individuals, companies and social behavior.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The laws of the country prohibit any acts that are sufficiently hurtful to others and therefore laws offer guides to ethical behavior. Nevertheless, distinction must be made between what is illegal and what is unethical. Not everything that is unethical is illegal. For example, the law has limits regarding honesty. If one picks a lost item and keeps it, he probably has not done anything illegal but his act is unethical. If a clerk steals from his company in order to feed the poor, he has done an illegal thing but for ethical reasons. Decisions of ethics are quite difficult but all managers need to know is that ethic s goes beyond the minimum requirements by law and by market economy (Buckley Casson, 1976). There are very many unethical things that can be done in business and yet there is no law against them! Business ethics also called managerial ethics is the application of ethical principles to business relationships and activities. Managers who run business are human beings who despite the laws set cannot behave the same regardless of the circumstances. Managers face many ethical dilemmas (two or more situations) where both seem right but at the same time, conflicting. Talking to the manager one of the major pharmaceutical company about managerial ethics, he said that managerial ethics normally apply in the following areas: relationship of the firm to the employees in terms of how they are to be treated and how they are paid. Secondly is the relationship of the employee to the firm in terms of how employees should behave in the firm. Thirdly is the relationship of the firm to the environmen t, where ethical issues arise in how the firm relates to the various elements of the environment e.g. customers, competitors, stockholders dealers and the community. Many industries and organizations companies have formal, written codes of ethics that provide specific guideline for managers and other employees. However, the question is whether when individuals violate the code of conduct, the organization enforces it (Demsetz, 1979) Many companies in an attempt to manage ethics have developed specific codes of ethics. These establish guidelines for ethical decision making in business. Areas covered may be truthfulness in advertising, improper use of company assets political contributions, payments in connection with business transactions, conflict of interest, trade secrets etc.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Social and ethical responsibilities of management in business environment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are advantages for organizations to form industry associations to develop and promote improved codes of ethics. It is difficult for a single firm to pioneer ethical practices if its competitors undercut them by taking advantage of unethical shortcuts. If ethics are to be improved, it is very important for top executives to support and emphasize ethical behavior by adhering to ethic themselves and train their staff in ethics. The tools of ethics include ethical language, which normally refers to values, rights, duties and rules. I questioned one of the workers of an investment company concerning this tool as a way of improving work relationship and he responded by saying that values are permanent desires that seem to be good. He also added that rights entitled a person to do something. On the other hand, since duty is an obligation that takes specific steps, in general, all the traits combined improve work relationships as well as productivity. Common morality as a tool is the body of rules covering ordinary ethical problems, which essentially are the rules that we live by most of the time. During this century, there has been much change in what society expects of its institutions and in what managers’ regard as the proper roles in organization. This change has gradually developed into a new concept of corporate social responsibility. Increasingly many managers are adopting the view that besides the obligations they have to their organizations, they have a personal responsibility to the society. Managers are increasingly being held accountable for the social effects of their actions. The questions however remain of where such social responsibility begins and where it ends (Trevino Nelson, 2007). The issue of corporate social responsibility has been debated for many years but it has never been clearly defined. However, from the various arguments raised, certain things can be said about social responsibility. One of them is that it deals with c orporate conduct in respect to the broader societal values. The other fact is that it questions the responsibilities of business to the entire society. Despite the lack of an accepted theory of corporate social responsibility, it is obvious that CSR draws on the fields of ethics and morals, which are basic to most cultures.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In other words corporate social responsibility may refer to the moral and ethical content of managerial and corporate decisions, that is to mean the values used in business decision making over and above the requirement of the law and market economy (Stephen, Dirk, Daniel, 2007). Closely related to social responsibility is the concept of social responsiveness, which simply means the ability of a corporation to relate its operations and policies to the social environment in ways that are mutually beneficial to the economy and the society. The difference between social responsibility and social responsiveness is that the latter implies actions and the ‘how’ of enterprise responses. Business organizations do not operate in a vacuum but have to interact constantly with society. A business organization is a part of society. It interacts at a primary level with groups such as employees, distributors, consumers, stockholders, banks, suppliers and competitors. At a secondary l evel, it interacts with such institutions as governments, local communities, media social pressure groups, business support groups and the public. With all these interactions, business cannot afford to go on with their businesses without responding to issues affecting these groups. Some people argue that there is no such thing as corporate social responsibility (Adams, 1965). Others argue that CSR must and will eventually result in long run profits, while others feel that modern organizations must undertake social responsibility regardless of the profit. Whatever the argument are, the question of accountability arises! Two areas of corporate accountability exist: Conventionally which shows that management is professionally responsible to the board of directors while the directors run the corporation for the shareholders who are the providers of capital to their corporation. It is logical that the shareholders expect a fair financial return for their investment. Although through sepa ration of ownership and control shareholders do not run the company, thus by implication therefore management has the responsibility to ensure that the shareholders receive an adequate return. Broadly and more modern view, corporations should be accountable to employees, customers, suppliers and the state. In short, corporations should respond to forces external to it but should be those that are of value to it. It is from these external forces that the corporation draws its existence. How then can it operate without of them? CSR involves decisions – the corporation world is decision oriented and corporations have an impact on society through these decisions. CSR therefore raises the question of rightfulness of decisions and further of which decisions are more right. So social responsibility goes beyond short run profitability, merely meeting minimum legal and market directives do not constitute social responsibility. CSR is very subjective in nature and is influenced by the economic and social system within which it operates (Arrow, 1951). From an interview with a branch manager in one of the banks, he said benefits from social responsibility do not directly accrue to the firm making the expenditure on social responsibility. CSR is hence a system holding that the corporation should respond to the moral and ethical values of society within which it is licensed and which it serves. A given corporation will draw from and shape the values of the society from which it draws its existence. CSR tries to fuse social values with profit maximization goals. Many organizations have thus been evaluating the benefits and problems that are associated with corporate social responsibility, some business organization argue for and others against. Those supporting say that since businesses create some problem they should solve them as well as the fact that organizations owe society for supply of resources. Those arguing against say that social responsibility gives corpor ations too much power, and that it will decrease profits thus contradicting the real reason for firms’ existence. According to the research, there are different areas of social responsibility that an organization can exercise. Such undertakings include non-business related activities such as giving donations, being involved in preservation of the environment (ecology) and ensuring environmental quality. These included things like noise control and aesthetic improvement, consumerism like control of harmful products, community needs like improvement of health care and education, government relations like restriction on lobbying and internal relations, labor relations like expansion of employee rights, and stockholder relations like full financial disclosures. Companies often are in a position to do most of this things but the challenge to most corporations is the absence of immediate benefit. Study has also shown that there is a certain pattern of response to social demands, he nce organizations can respond to social demands in three strategic approaches. The first one is adoptive strategy; this involves changing only when you are forced to do so by the society. This is, complying with the law. The law gives business a general guideline of what is expected by a society. Legal compliance is the minimum that is expected by a society. Organizations that use this strategy adopt or react to the environment only when there is strong outside pressure. For example, producers of body perfumes have to be ozone friendly. The second one is pro-active strategy; this involves an attempt at shaping the environment. The company using this strategy tries to manipulate the environment in ways that will be to their advantage. The steps they take may or may not be to the interest of the society in the long run, e.g. paying off politicians to avoid scrutiny. The final one is interactive strategy, when a company is able to anticipate environmental changes and blend its own goal s with those of the society, then it is said to have taken an interactive strategy. This involves reducing the gap between public expectations and business performance. This calls for knowhow and skills on how to manage the company’s social relations with external forces, which may affect the company. The firm tries to interact with the surrounding social environment in ways that will be mutually beneficial. Conclusion In conclusion, an ethical principle is a modern concept that provides businesses and organizations with corporate priorities. They are of significant influence to the way the organizations operate and especially its survival in the near future. Customers are increasingly showing interest in doing business with those organizations that demonstrate responsibility and ethical practices. Those organizations that fail to achieve this suffer the consequences in many different ways, either by lose of market share, which will reduce revenues and in the long run, may pu t organization out of business. One of the senior managers of the bank I interviewed suggested that the modern business world needed to incorporate the four Ps in their ethical management and leadership. They include purpose, people, planet and principles. These represent the four things required for success in any modern business venture. In practice, this model represents the personality of a good ethical organization, manager or leader. Therefore, ethics and ethical decisions are of utmost importance in running of any organization, business ethics is what separates the successful giants and losers in the modern corporate world and the decision a company takes in ethical matters can be binding for or against the company. References Adams, J. (1965). Inequality in Social Exchange. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 2(1), 267. Arrow, K.J. (1951). Social Choice and Individual Values. New York, NY: John Wiley. Averch, H., Johnson, L.L. (1990). Behavior of the firm under regu latory constraint. American Economic Review, 52, 1052-1066. Buckley, P.J., Casson, M. (1976). The Future of Multinational Enterprise. London: Macmillan. Demsetz, H. (1979). Ethics and Efficiency in Property Rights Systems. Lexington: Lexington Books. Drucker, P.F. (1990). Ethics in Management. The Practice of Management, 124-125. Stephen, G., Dirk, D.S., Daniel, S. (2007). Managing social and ethical issues in organizations. New York, NY: IAP. Trevino, L., Nelson, K.W. (2007). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right. New York, NY: Hoboken.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Classical and Romantic Operas essays

Classical and Romantic Operas essays W. A. Mozart - Zauberflote and C. M. von Weber - Der Freisschuetz W. A. Mozart - Zauberflote Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in 1756 in Salzburg (Austria), and died in 1791 in Vienna (Austria). He was one of the first composers in Classical Era who showed new ideas in music writing. He used brighter tone, and heroic style of music, lyrical parts become brighter, but not without dramatic sketch. W. A. Mozart got his music education from his father, who was violinist and conductor. Mozart showed right away that he has all talent to become a great musician. At age six years old he was already famous in Europe. He had great technique in his playing, and a couple years later he showed his talent in his compositions. He wrote a lot of compositions, 23 of them for different solo instruments with orchestra, 49 symphonies, and more then 40 solo concertos with orchestra, sonatas for piano, violin and string ensembles. But besides all that, he spent a lot of time writing operas. He wrote his first opera at age 12 years old: in 1768 he wrote La Finta Semplice and Bastien und Bastienne1. He lived in Italy during 1769-1772, and during this time his operas were on stage in theaters, such as Mitridate re di Ponto (1770)1, and Lucio Silla(1772)1. He was very famous for his operas, especially in his small town, where life was not that easy. In 1775 he was in Munich (Germany), where I domen eo Re di Creta (1781)1 was first preformed, which brought big success to W. A. Mozart. His last ten years were the most successful years in his works. He was poor but kept on writing more and more works. He moved to Vienna and wrote The Abduction from the Seraglio(1782)1, Le Nozze di Figaro (1786)2 and Don Giovanni (1787)1 - showed very strong characteristics, true human feelings and reality. His last opera was Zauberflot...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Thailands tourism industry through Royal Thai Airways Essay

Thailands tourism industry through Royal Thai Airways - Essay Example The goal of the research study is to examine the extent and nature of Thailand’s reach as a tourist economy within the global market. Focused on RTA’s Royal Orchid Plus (ROP) market segment, the project proposes to engage the topic of globalization through inquiry into ROP passenger membership, and in particular high wealth, male customers from cosmopolitan hubs in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and United Kingdom (UK). At the global level, RTA and by extension the Thai tourist economy has at present, a significant share of the available demand. Well known for its personal service tourism (i.e. sex tourism) economy, Thailand’s beauty and tropical surroundings are compliment the dream world of male fantasies attained through association with luxury market advertising of those services. Nevertheless, Thailand’s sex tourism industry has an alternative image, which is predicated upon the policy concerns of human rights activism against such activities. AIDs an d interrelated discourses on ‘health’ utilized by medical, public health and ‘spa’ businesses are also considered. A full service provider of commercial airline service to customers around the globe, RTA faces a challenge in identity management that is perhaps unparalleled elsewhere in terms of market analysis and communication. Business development, then is fostered through negotiation of gender terms, and precisely so; RTA employs Thailand’s ‘Spa Culture’ as a benefit to ROP members, yet retracts from association with anything pertaining to ‘sex.’

Friday, October 18, 2019

Assessment of the Overall Impact of Colonialism in the Philippines Research Proposal

Assessment of the Overall Impact of Colonialism in the Philippines - Research Proposal Example The strong resistance of the Filipinos to colonial rule paved the way to its national independence in 1946 from the American rule (Weightman 483). Today, the Philippines remarkably is trying to run its own government under a democratic procedure which gives more freedom for all Filipinos to exercise their right for citizenship. Today, 65 years passed after the Philippine independence from American rule, it is still important to look at the following aspects as a particular way to assess the overall impact of colonialism in the Philippines: leadership in governance, political, economic and culture. In 1972, Ferdinand Marcos proclaimed martial law which placed the entire nation under the military authority. Once again, Filipinos had proven that oppression is a significant triggering factor as far as their level of resistance is concerned. Based on these, it is clear that the Philippines together with its people have remarkable characteristics that are in line with its momentous history particularly its experience with colonialism. It is therefore important to asses at this point the level of impact colonialism brought to the Philippines particularly in the country’s leadership in governance, politics, economy, and culture. For instance, corruption in the Philippines is something Filipinos observed from Spaniards, which today became its major and significant problem. In fact, to alleviate if not eliminate it is the very goal of the recent administration.  

Thief of the identity Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Thief of the identity - Article Example (Atkins). With effects such as long term loss of memory, one’s identity deteriorates since one cannot remember what surrounds their lives. (Sabbagh). Not being in cognizant with what is going on around is tantamount to loss of identity. In addition to this, the impacts of the disease on the physical appearance are outstandingly disturbing when one thinks about it. The disease eats up the radiance in one, by working up on the face, the skin and the whole body structure. (Atkins). One looks totally different from the way they used to before the disease comes in. It is by virtue of the loss of the original physical appearance that one is considered as having lost his or her identity to the disease. The disease is therefore tantamount to the thief that steals away one’s identity. To conclude, this disease is quite scary given its impacts and the fact that it cannot be treated. (Atkins). The fact that its cause is yet to be established is also much alarming. In this paper, the fact that the disease is a thief of identity has been looked at. This is through the impact of the disease to the brain and physical appearance. There are many other impacts of the disease that can be traced to loss of identity such as emotional swings. However, not all these could be covered given the scope of this

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Any story about the contract applying the terminology of the contracts Essay

Any story about the contract applying the terminology of the contracts in the law - Essay Example Enrick wanted to buy a car. He found out that Mr. Edmund a mechanic who works with General live stores wanted to sell his car. On contacting him, Mr. Edmund agreed to sell his car and hence was the offeror while, Mr. Enrick became the offeree (Twomey and Jennings, 291). An offeror is the person intending to sell their goods. An offeree is the one intending to buy the car. Therefore, Mr.Edmund gave the offer to Mr. Enrick. An offer is the unequivocal manifestation by one of the parties about their intentions to enter into a contact with the other party. An offer may take various forms. It may be written, verbal or merely implied (Twomey and Jennings, 368, 369). A written offer is put into writing while a verbal offer is made when the two parties communicate their intentions through the word of mouth. The two parties to the contract were adults had the capacity to contract (Twomey and Jennings, 308). They had the capacity to contract because they had the legal rights to enter into a le gally binding agreement. During one evening, through a phone call, Mr. Enrick declared his interest to buy the car. The declaration to buy the car demonstrated his interest to get into the contract. However, the contract was a void contract. This is because the contract was not enforceable by law. ... Acceptance of a contract is the expression of complete or unconditional agreement to all the terms set out in the offer (Twomey and Jennings, 294). For the contract between Mr. Enrick and Mr. Edmund to be regarded legal and binding, it has to have express or implied terms. Express terms refer to the terms the parties adverted to during negotiation and agreed. In this case, written terms prevail over the unwritten terms of a contact. Implied terms are terms did not expressly incorporate into the contract, but were only implied. They can also be implied by the acts of parliament (Twomey and Jennings, 384). One evening Mr. Edmund invited Mr. Enrick to a dinner party in which they discussed the mode of payment that would be used to pay for the car, and other formalities that would be essential for the performance of the contract. Performance of contract occurs when the individuals within the contract ensure that they carry out their duties as stipulated in the contract (Twomey and Jennin gs, 411). The formalities that the two parties could have entered into must be in line with the law governing the country. It was agreed that the payment would be made through cash whereby a down payment would be made first, and the rest would be paid later when Mr. Enrick gets the car under his care and in good condition. Mr. Edmund promised to exercise due diligence to ensure that the car was in good order and was delivered at the appropriate time. Mr. Edmund was supposed to exercise due diligence since he has knowledge on the repair of vehicles and hence had a duty of ensuring that the car met all the needs of Mr. Enrick and was properly functioning. During negotiations, Mr. Enrick sought to know the details and any information regarding the offer. The request

Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Film - Essay Example Because of this, her husband is disappointed but he believes that he will find a way to take care of his son. He joins an internship program where he does not receive any payment. His condition grows worse when his scanning machines are stolen. In addition, he his later evicted from the apartment. They live in the streets, while there he nurtures his son with love and tenderness. With this, the essay brings out what â€Å"The Pursuit of Happyness† says about the modern day fathers and the cultural and social changes reflected in the film. The movie clearly portrays the close relationship between father and son. Christopher provides psychological and emotional support to his child, although they live in the streets. They both struggle hard to achieve their goals knowing very well that success does not come easily, it needs commitment. Christopher Gardner as a single father tries his best to bring up his son in the right way possible (Nadine 4). Christopher Gardener the main cha racter in the film tries his best to balance his professional and personal life. He and his son endure many hardships for instance sleeping in bathrooms. In one of the scenes in this film Christopher is jailed for ten days for not paying the parking fees this shows how Christopher undergoes hardships with his son. This shows how the society values money than human life. As a result of his state in one of the scenes, Christopher pushes women in the bus so that he can get a chance to sleep in the homeless shelter (Nadine 4). This confirms that, when people are in desperate situations morals ceasing to exist they only focus on solving the problem. By this experience between Christopher and his son, the role of modern fathers is clearly brought out. Christopher Gardner balances his personal life and professional life in this film just as modern fathers do. He provides the support he should provide as a father and still works as an intern. In this essay, Christopher struggles to obtain t he American dream and the true happiness just as the modern fathers do especially in the United States of America. There are some social cultural changes addressed in this film. Individualism, which takes a big part in the American society, is portrayed in this film. Individualism is a common problem in the American History. In addition, it has taken root in modern America as portrayed in the film. This means that most American’s believe that they can achieve their dreams by their own self. In this film, Christopher Gardner struggles to raise his son as a single father. He focuses on achieving his dream as an individual. This shows that individualism is a social issue that still exists in America. The film shows how people are trying to achieve the American dream. Besides the main character, the movie revolves on the life of San Francisco. In the film, people struggle to fight time by moving hurriedly in the streets. The movement of the vehicle and the beeps of horns show how urgency surrounds the whole city. People show casing their talents along the roads show how most people in the city are jobless. The musicians who are seen at the start of the film show how most people in San Francisco use their free time to obtain quick cash. The main character in the film is a victim of the highly competitive society. This is shown by how he struggles in life. Christopher has not sold any bone

Neo-Conservatism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Neo-Conservatism - Essay Example This new policy was also, in some ways, ineffective – as unions failed, blue-collar workers felt let down by the system and turned to neo-conservatism. The lack of contradictory political ideologies also played its part, giving dissatisfied Democrats the terrible choice of sticking with a disappointing party or turning to the right. As the century wore on, event after traumatic event shook the American culture, fatally dismantling people's faith in the current leftist governments. The Vietnamese war, the Watergate scandal, and the Iranian hostage crisis (amongst others) generated a pervasive sense of cynicism and alienation (WBA 695) which made neo-conservatism strangely more attractive. The culmination of such events combined with the inefficacy of the Democratic government to become a deathly blow to leftist politics. Many American people, particularly the working class and poor who had previously identified with the Democratic party, felt let down by a system which appeared to not care about them. This led to a massive drop in the amount of people going to the polls, meaning even before the results were in that a significant change in contemporary politics was almost guaranteed.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Any story about the contract applying the terminology of the contracts Essay

Any story about the contract applying the terminology of the contracts in the law - Essay Example Enrick wanted to buy a car. He found out that Mr. Edmund a mechanic who works with General live stores wanted to sell his car. On contacting him, Mr. Edmund agreed to sell his car and hence was the offeror while, Mr. Enrick became the offeree (Twomey and Jennings, 291). An offeror is the person intending to sell their goods. An offeree is the one intending to buy the car. Therefore, Mr.Edmund gave the offer to Mr. Enrick. An offer is the unequivocal manifestation by one of the parties about their intentions to enter into a contact with the other party. An offer may take various forms. It may be written, verbal or merely implied (Twomey and Jennings, 368, 369). A written offer is put into writing while a verbal offer is made when the two parties communicate their intentions through the word of mouth. The two parties to the contract were adults had the capacity to contract (Twomey and Jennings, 308). They had the capacity to contract because they had the legal rights to enter into a le gally binding agreement. During one evening, through a phone call, Mr. Enrick declared his interest to buy the car. The declaration to buy the car demonstrated his interest to get into the contract. However, the contract was a void contract. This is because the contract was not enforceable by law. ... Acceptance of a contract is the expression of complete or unconditional agreement to all the terms set out in the offer (Twomey and Jennings, 294). For the contract between Mr. Enrick and Mr. Edmund to be regarded legal and binding, it has to have express or implied terms. Express terms refer to the terms the parties adverted to during negotiation and agreed. In this case, written terms prevail over the unwritten terms of a contact. Implied terms are terms did not expressly incorporate into the contract, but were only implied. They can also be implied by the acts of parliament (Twomey and Jennings, 384). One evening Mr. Edmund invited Mr. Enrick to a dinner party in which they discussed the mode of payment that would be used to pay for the car, and other formalities that would be essential for the performance of the contract. Performance of contract occurs when the individuals within the contract ensure that they carry out their duties as stipulated in the contract (Twomey and Jennin gs, 411). The formalities that the two parties could have entered into must be in line with the law governing the country. It was agreed that the payment would be made through cash whereby a down payment would be made first, and the rest would be paid later when Mr. Enrick gets the car under his care and in good condition. Mr. Edmund promised to exercise due diligence to ensure that the car was in good order and was delivered at the appropriate time. Mr. Edmund was supposed to exercise due diligence since he has knowledge on the repair of vehicles and hence had a duty of ensuring that the car met all the needs of Mr. Enrick and was properly functioning. During negotiations, Mr. Enrick sought to know the details and any information regarding the offer. The request

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Neo-Conservatism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Neo-Conservatism - Essay Example This new policy was also, in some ways, ineffective – as unions failed, blue-collar workers felt let down by the system and turned to neo-conservatism. The lack of contradictory political ideologies also played its part, giving dissatisfied Democrats the terrible choice of sticking with a disappointing party or turning to the right. As the century wore on, event after traumatic event shook the American culture, fatally dismantling people's faith in the current leftist governments. The Vietnamese war, the Watergate scandal, and the Iranian hostage crisis (amongst others) generated a pervasive sense of cynicism and alienation (WBA 695) which made neo-conservatism strangely more attractive. The culmination of such events combined with the inefficacy of the Democratic government to become a deathly blow to leftist politics. Many American people, particularly the working class and poor who had previously identified with the Democratic party, felt let down by a system which appeared to not care about them. This led to a massive drop in the amount of people going to the polls, meaning even before the results were in that a significant change in contemporary politics was almost guaranteed.

The Disaster Management in India Has Become an Issue of Ridicule Essay Example for Free

The Disaster Management in India Has Become an Issue of Ridicule Essay With being the world’s second most populous country, India faces a lot of challenges in tackling the disasters that might strike her. India was expected to have learnt from the mistakes in her past. But the case isn’t so. Till date the Disaster Management of India is not as effective as it should have been for a huge country like India. All these ineffectiveness in technology has made Disaster Management in India an issue of ridicule. Earlier in the late 20th century due to lack of technology various disasters couldn’t be predicted in time, thus the people who were affected didn’t get any information about the disaster till they were struck by it. We can see the examples of floods across various states in India the cyclones in Odisha. Had been there any modern weather forecasting and prediction systems, the people would have got knowledge about the cyclones and effective plans could have been placed for minimising the effect of disaster. But even till the date the country hasn’t progressed. The lack of technology has led the country being unable to predict the heavy rains that caused the floods and landslides in Uttarakhand. Even because of lack of trust on the weathermen because of the past failures in forecasting by weathermen the state administration didn’t issue any warnings to people about the rains. Technology also consists of latest machinery and cutting edge tools which India doesn’t pose. The govt. said in it’s budget about assigning 100 thousand crores for disaster management and mitigation purpose. This amount might seem to be very large but it is very small if we consider the whole country which has about 1.6 billion citizens living in it. Even the amount used for disaster management would be quite less because of the politics and corruption. So one can easily imagine what would be the impact when a disaster strikes India. Now even NDMA has no strategies for disaster management. After the rains and the series of cloud bursts in Uttarakha nd, the Uttarakhand govt. declared that its state disaster management team didn’t have plan how to execute the rescue operation .If this is the case then there is no use of NDMA which said that it was not prepared to handle such huge disaster. Now back to technology. At the same time when India was busy in recovery of Uttarakhand, a similar disaster struck some European countries. But there the impact of disaster was quite less because of better planning efficient disaster management. The damage due to the floods cloud bursts in those countries was very less. This show  the ineffectiveness of India in tackling disasters. Now let’s shift our focus to the relief rehabilitation in India. As compared to disaster management the relief rehabilitation is better but not at par with other countries. Let us take an example. In 2011 Japan was struck with severe earthquakes, tsunamis finally a nuclear crisis, but in Japan the relief and rehabilitation work was quite instant and the country came back to normal life within a month or so. Meanwhile, In India the series of floods cloud bursts have disturbed Uttarakhand and even till today after 2 months relief work is going on. Who should be blamed for this? Only and only our govt. should be blamed. Had the govt. had been prepared for tackling this issue , today Uttarakhand wouldn’t have such devastation. Even the hand of politics cannot be neglected in Disaster Relief rehabilitation. Parties often adopt str ategies which would benefit them in next elections. They only think of their future thus this leads to failure in disaster management. Had it been japan, life would have sprung back in a single week. With cities expanding and developing in an unplanned manner, there would be a great loss in case of a disaster striking such cities. For example unsafe building practices in rapidly growing urban settlements constitute one of India’s greatest challenges for disaster management. A major earthquake in any of India’s densely and heavily populated cities in seismic zones would be catastrophic in terms of fatalities. Government of India has also launched various policies the implementation of NDMA under the Disaster Management Act of 2005. The objective of the authority has been to lay down policies and guidelines for effective management, risk mitigation and prevention of disasters in the country. However, in Uttarakhand, people were caught unawares by the series of flash floods and landslides in the absence of any mitigation measure or early warning despite the state having a history of such disasters and the weathermen predicting about it. The post disaster relief response has been equally poor—more than 70,000 people are reported missing. NDMA was constituted under the Disaster Management Act of 2005 to draft policies and guidelines on disaster management, approve and coordinate the implementation of plans for disaster preparedness and manageme nt at the Central, state and ministerial levels. The authority is headed by the prime minister. However, in the past seven years, the authority has been ineffective in carrying out most of its functions. NDMA had initiated  projects for flood mitigation and landslide mitigation at the national level in 2008. However, those projects have either been abandoned midway or are being redesigned because of poor planning. The projects to prepare national vulnerability atlases of landslides, floods and earthquake are also incomplete. Experts feel if such projects would have been implemented properly the damage in Uttarakhand could have been much less. The CAG report also highlighted several other loopholes in the functioning of NDMA. It said none of the major projects taken up by NDMA was complete even after seven years of its functioning. The projects were either abandoned midway or were being redesigned because of initial poor planning. The major projects include producing vulnerability atlases for floods, earthquakes and landslides, national landslide risk mitigation project, national flood risk mitigation project and national disaster management information system. As per the CAG report, NDMA has also not been performing several functions as prescribed in the Disaster Management Act. These include recommending provision of funds for the purpose of mitigation and recommending relief in repayment of loans or for grant of fresh loans. Besides, several critical posts in NDMA are vacant and consultants were used for day to day working. One can then easily say what would happen if India is struck by a major disaster. In layman’s language one can say that all these things have one message in common – THE DISASTER MANAGEMENT OF INDIA HAS BECOME AN ISSUE OF RIDICULE. The time has come for the citizens to take action in their hands and perform their duties . If not now it’s never and in future India’s disaster management will always remain an issue of ridicule among the people of he world because of it’s inability to tackle issues perform necessary actions.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Types Of Murder

The Types Of Murder Murder is defined as 1. The action or an act of killing. a. The deliberate and unlawful killing of a human being, esp. in a premeditated manner; (Law) criminal homicide with malice aforethought (occas. more fully wilful murder); an instance of this. What makes the murder is the wilful killing of a human being by another human being. There are many people killed each year and in different ways which has developed different type of murderers with similar punishments for each one. The different types are A one off murder A one off murder that happens to a person that doesnt necessarily have the psychological profile of the average murderer but under difficult circumstances or situations becomes one. An example being Ronnie sulivans dad  [2]   Murder by defence In defending himself or her, the murderer protects himself from his victims attacks. In response he attacks back and results in killing him by accident while trying to escape. Majority of cases such as these, the murder is found innocent as it matter of defending your own safety. Mass murder A mass murderer would be a murderer whereby he has killed five and more people at one spot at any certain period of time from anywhere between a few minutes to a few days. Spree killers are the type of murderers where after killing a few victims they pass to another location where they keep killing more victims without any cooling-off period. Usually the killing constitutes a single event, although it can last for a short bit of time. Colombia case Serial killer Usually kill victims on separate occasions. Unlike mass murderers and spree types, serial killers tend to select a certain type of victim who fulfils a role in the killers fantasies. For this type of murder they usually have cooling-off periods between their murders, which instance gives them time to think of a more cunning murder. An example would be Harold Shipman Recorded crime statistics for overall murders in the twenty century counted at: 2002 2003 = 1,047 including the 172 attributed to Harold Shipman 2003 2004 = 904 2004 2005 = 868 2005 2006 = 764 including the 54 victims of the July bombings in London 2006 2007 = 758 2007 2008 774 2008 2009 657 being the lowest for 20 years 2009 2010 = 615  [3]   Focusing on the serial killer, i.e. Harold shipman. Harold was a convicted English serial killer. A doctor by profession, he is one of the most dangerous serial killers ever with a staggering 250+ murders and still counting to his name. He was arrested in September 1998 being charged with the murder of Mrs Kathleen Grundy aged 81. Shipman was born in Nottingham. Shipman was said to be relatively close to his mum, to who passed away when he was a child. In the manner that she died, it soon later began to be Harolds own method of operating. His mother had cancer and relating to the final stage of her death, she was given morphine by a home doctor. At that point Harold viewed his mothers pain disappeared while she passed away in June 1963. There are however four types of serial killers: The visionary type has visions ordering him to commit certain acts, to kill certain victims. It can even be he or she hears voices in their head to kill certain people. The mission-oriented type sees a certain crowd as people unworthy to live and seeks to murder them. Murdering them resulting in a better world. This type is un-recognisable and is described usually as a normal individual. The hedonistic type simply enjoys killing victim and has a taste for the buzz. The power-oriented type is the type whom enjoys power over the people he is going to kill. They seem to cant help themselves when kidnapping and controlling their victims so they do as they say. Harold shipman would most likely be the hedonistic. Harold seemed to get a thrill of watching his victim die; in his eyes it seem to give him control over life and death. Also mission-oriented type as people who knew him did not suspect a thing even police officers. However a close friend of Harold shipman disagreed with this and stated that Shipman had anxiety issues, perhaps one that Shipman did not know about. The Characteristics of a murderer of this this type usually is due to the Childhood. Childhood violence being, it is highly unlikely a serial killer suddenly at 40 changes from a normal person and turns into a disruptive murderous behaviour. The behavior that is used when the murder is committing the act would have been with him or her for a very long time, since childhood. In some instances it is not always the serial killer is brought up in an unstable home, it can be that the serial killer started life as a big happy family where everything was steady and satisfactory and instead later come across serious emotional abuse during their childhoods. Developing into a dysfunctional adult where not being able to sustain relationships with others. Serious emotional abuse for Harold shipman seeing his mother dying. And by pills From birth to teenage years, the mother is seen as the more vital adult in a childs life and to where there is a period the child learns what love is. Where there have been situations that the mother was distant and neglectful to the child, the child has been deprived of his mothers love. Harold shipman losing his mum no love. The emotional abuse targeted at the children was mental and physical. The child would be in an environment where his actions were ignored and limitations on behaviour were not set. Harold shipman having no limitations on childhood, gave him the chance to kill, kill Another characteristic is the murderers Fantasies Usually murderers believe in effect that they could control the world. In their childhood sustain all the repetitive abuse compensates for them carrying out their action to fulfil their fantasy. Their Fantasy being a happenstance which usually cannot happen in normal life. A normal individual learns to place limits on their behaviour whereas the person who has lacked limitations on his behaviour from his childhood thinks he is able to act out his fantasy and nobody is able to stop him. Harold shipmans childhood, would consisted of no one laying down limitations on his behaviour causing him to believe he can act his fantasy where he can kill people as he pleases. After many murderous acts, Harold then seems to believe he is somewhat invincible and never be caught. Contrasting the serial killer to a One off murder spur of the moment, the characteristics are much different. Senior Sullivan set upon Mr Bryan and his brother Kelvin, allegedly hurling racist abuse at the pair, who is black. Pulling out a six-inch hunting knife, OSullivan stabbed Bruce Bryan to death. His son Ronnie O Sullivan, snooker star stated He was in the wrong place at the wrong time and it certainly wasnt a murder, it certainly wasnt premeditated murder. Looking at this type of murder, characteristics such as Childhood would not be relevant to Senior O Sullivan. It seems Mr O Sullivan came from a normal, average childhood and simply lost control the night he murdered Bryan. Mindless murder such as these are harder to explain, it may be the result of O Sullivan binge drinking under the influence of Alcohol it made more prone to act fantasies out such as brutal stabbing. Even so, beforehand there were rarely any acts of violence where Senior O Sullivan lacked in behaviour control. During the years, people have testing out different theories in order to predict criminality by looking at factors of an individuals personality Lombrosso, (1836 1909) a criminal scientist, regarded that some people are born with an innate predisposition to criminality and anti-social behaviour (Savitz 1972). This leading to the Biological theory, such as brain pathology and hormone and chromosome theories. Biochemical Explanations show that Intelligence and Crime are linked. Criminals were 70 per cent in theory of being feeble mind out of a 100. Goddard 1914. However applying this theory towards a serial killer such as Harold, it is quite the opposite. Harold had quite the knowledge being a doctor, so clearly he was cable of understanding the consequences of murdering someone. This shows biological theory is not really accurate in predicting the criminal. For The theory of the functionalist the development of anomie theory involved the work of two scholars, Émile Durkheim and Robert K. Merton. According to Durkheim, crime has functional or positive consequences. It is impossible for all people to be alike and to hold the same moral consciousness. Some individuals differ from others and usually include criminal behaviour. It was later developed by Robert k Merton whom prior to his approach on explaining the effect of anomie presented five types of adaptations to this criminal behaviour, Conformity, Innovation, Ritualism, Retreatism and Rebellion. Using ritualism in relating to serial killer Harold Shipman, it seems to fit that he lose sight of the reasons for doing his crime, such as Killing people day to day continue his approved method making a lifestyle out of the method. But even so this theory may be critique when considering this theory on the one off murders, it does not explain mindless murders such as senior o Sullivan and in what adaption he may have been in. Ronnie senior For the Society structure theory, it has been outlined that so some sociologists are able to show that specific approach to why a person commits a crime. For example binge drinking. Using drugs, aggression have been found when under the right amount can constitute problem behaviour. Scholars have found that problem behaviour is related to environmental and personality factors. For instance when considering Senior O Sullivan particular at the time, he was using specific approach such as binge drinking running up to the amount he was using problematic behaviour. The environment being a club where fights are likely to happen making it related. Relating to the topic of the victims of a murder, when determining the relationship between suspect and victim it is said to be that the female victim was more likely to be killed by someone she knew. Whereas for the male victim, they were more likely to be killed by a stranger. The figure for female victim was at 54 per cent whom knew their suspect and of that 54 per cent, 61 per cent was their partner, ex-partner or lover. Whereas for a male victim, 38 per cent knew their main suspect and as a result only 12 per cent were killed from the partner, ex-partner or lover. As for being killed by a stranger, the 2005 2006 stated it was 44 per cent. For victims under the age of sixteen, it is said that 44 per cent were killed by their own parents during the period of 2005-2006, which is shocking. .it was said that during the last couple of years, the method of killing most commonly used was the sharp instrument to kill the victim. The percentage was 28, splitting it up to gender, the male were 31 per cent more likely to die from a sharp instrument and a female being 23 per cent. For the second common method of killing a victim, it is different between the two genders. For a male victim the second common method was involved hitting or kicking where as for the female they were more likely to be strangled. Also to add, just alone the effect of the London bombings alone amounted to 7 per cent. Comparing it to the Harolds staggering murder rampage, from the previous thirty years the method of killing them with pills seem to have decreased to the present years. The majority of what the murder or homicide was based on was quarrelling and loss of temper. So 33 per cent of victims died as a result of an argument or someone losing their temper in the period between 2005 and 2006. On the topic murder it was stated that the age group under 1 the infancy was most likely to be reported as homicide, male being the most likely victim. For suspects, on being convicted for murder it is said to be in the period of 2005-2006 it is half of how many suspects were convicted in 2003-2004. The figure being 199 suspects comparison to 606 suspects for the period of 2003-2004.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

America Needs Greater Voter Participation Essay example -- Politics Po

Government and Politics – America Needs Greater Voter Participation We may live in a country that encourages voting in political elections, yet the level of voter turnout in America is relatively small and continues to decline. Compared to other countries with democratic governments, the United States falls very near the bottom of the list with its percentage of voter participation. One explanation for this disturbing phenomenon states that the American system requires more effort from voters, asking them to participate in â€Å"more elections for more levels of government with more elective offices at each level than any other country in the world† (Schudson 159). In most other democracies, the citizens may be asked to vote only 2 or 3 times over a 4-year period (Edwards, Wattenberg, and Lineberry 246). American voters feel overwhelmed by all that is asked of them. The diverse and numerous elections held in the United States, especially at the state and local levels try the attention spans of voters and decrease their willingness or desire to participate. Reading the local election ballot and trying to determine the actual function of the various obscure local offices such as county clerk, court clerk or register of deeds can be a daunting task. Extracting real meaning from the political jargon used in wording local propositions can also be a challenge and source of discouragement (Schudson 156). Dr. Bill Lyons, of the University of Tennessee, said this of Tennessee state and local elections: â€Å"In Tennessee, we also have a very long ballot with a lot of constitutional offices and we have an awful lot of elections. I think that’s bad because it unnecessarily splits the time and attention of voters† (Flessner 2). Ame... ...n Perspective Sections on pages 208 and 245. Michael Schudson, â€Å"Voting Rites: Why We Need a New Concept of Citizenship†. Allan Cigler and Burdett Loomis, American Politics: Classic and Contemporary Readings, 4th ed. Boston: Houghton Miflin Company, 1999, pp. 156-164. Project Vote Smart, â€Å"PVS General Population and Youth Survey†, Department of Political Science at OSU,, 1999, p. 5. Robert D. Putnam, â€Å"Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital†. Allan Cigler and Burdett Loomis, American Politics: Classic and Contemporary Readings, 4th ed. Boston: Houghton Miflin Company, 1999, pp. 165-175. Ruy Teixeira, â€Å"Voter Turnout in America: Ten Myths†. Allan Cigler and Burdett Loomis, American Politics: Classic and Contemporary Readings, 4th ed. Boston: Houghton Miflin Company, 1999, pp. 149-155.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Global Warming Essay -- Environmental Global Climate Change

Today, scientist argue over the consequences of global warming. Scientist say that the heating of the atmosphere can influence many health problems. Some of the related problems due to global warming are death to heat waves and other climate changes, and infectious diseases. With the atmosphere temperature rising, we all will be at risk. The climate not only harms our bodies, it can also harm our crops and waters.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Floods and droughts associated with global warming can undermine our health in other ways. The heat that is produced can damage our crops. The temperature will allow our crops to be infected with diseases and infestations such as pests and weeds. By destroying our crops, this can lead to malnutrition world wide. With the weather being so intense, this can alter our water cycles. With the extra water condensing, this will lead to larger downpours. While the oceans are heating, so is the land. If the land heats up, dry areas can become highly perched. When parching enlarges, the pressure gradients can cause winds to develop, leading to turbulent winds, tornadoes, and other powerful storms. With altered pressure, global warming can affect where storms, floods, and droughts occur. Another way climate change can affect human health is climate change in the ecosystem.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ecosystem upheaval is one of the most profound ways in which climate change can effect human health. Pest control is one of nature’s underappreciated services to people. Well-fun...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Careers in Psychology; Opportunities in a Changing World Essay

It is usually very vital for one to consider the choice of their career path very carefully. One should consider his or her interests in the career, the job market as well as their education qualifications. It is equally important for one to carefully examine the merits and demerits that come with each career option. This is the sole reason why career talks have become part of the school curriculum in many countries in the world. This paper will analyze three case studies of individuals who are about to complete their Bachelor’s Degrees in Psychology, after which it will critically analyze the options the three cases have laid on the table by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each. Denise is considering a couple of options; Master of Arts/ Master of Science in Clinical Psychology Master of Arts/ Master of Science in Counseling Psychology Master of Education in Counseling Psychology Master of Social Work Master of Science in Pastoral Counseling Master of Science in Counseling. Important to note is where the interests of Denise lie. She has an interest in reading research materials or findings related to children, however this interest is not that much. Denise is also not very interested in doing research work. Considering the fact that Denise has a passion in desire to counsel youth and children is not enough when deciding to choose the next degree program the best option for Denise would be a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Counseling. The merits of this program are that it is in all ways related to the interests of Denise. It would give Denise the best opportunity to counsel youth and children. The degree does not require a lot of research work, rather it r equires more of reading research work. This would by all means be the best for Denise. However, a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Counseling would be tricky if matters of spiritual faith are put in consideration. It is not clear where her faith lies. It would be unbeatably the best if her spiritual faith lies along the pastoral line, or if she had pursued a degree in theology. CITATION Tar12 l 1033 (Kuther, 2012)A Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology would be advantageous in the sense that it has a wide job market and it is in line with the passion of Denise. However, this degree would not be the best for Denise since it requires a lot of research, which Denise is not very good at. Another disadvantage of this is that it would not limit her exactly to youth and children the way she would like it, older people have psychological problems as well. A Master of Science in Counseling Psychology would also not be advisable for Denise. This degree, just like the one in Clinical Psychology would require a lot of research work. Denise does not like research work and it would be very difficult for her to excel in this program. However, it could be really advantageous in the sense that it requires reading research materials and this is one major stronghold for Denise. A Master Degree in Clinical Psychology would have the same limitations as a Master Degree in Counseling Psychology. However, she loves reading research materials on youth and children. This would favor her in the case that she chose this career path. This leaves the best option for Denise as a Master Degree in Pastoral Psychology. CITATION Rob07 l 1033 (Sternberg, 2007)It would be very difficult for Raul to change what he wanted to do all his life to something else. However, the policy when choosing career paths is always no mistakes. This is when the purpose of internship comes out very clearly. All his life, Raul has been interested in counseling psychology or clinical psychology. He should be very careful when making a choice for the nest career step. This is owing to the fact that for one to excel in a certain career path, he or she ought to have the desire and passion for it. Passion does not just grow within a day and Raul does not have much time to make a decision. However, the volunteer work that he did in the psychiatric clinic seems to have helped him a great deal. The interview that he had with counselors and psychologists seems to have opened his eyes to the real career world. It is very important for Raul to make a decision before it is late since he is about to graduate from school. The interests of Raul are very important is deciding his career path. The fact that he has a wife and children makes it very necessary for him to take a career path that would help him a great deal financially. The best option for Raul in his career path would be to pursue a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology. This is owing to the fact that he has interests in researc h which is very vital to the program. Moreover, counseling would give him a wider job market and would therefore sustain him financially. CITATION Don08 l 1033 (Super, 2008)Having been in the cooperate world is indeed a milestone for John in the career world. As much as he was laid off, he is way ahead of a number of individuals. His experience in the cooperate world must have equipped him with a number of skills that will help him a great deal I n future. This is considering the fact that he would love to integrate his career path of psychology with business. For instance, one of the options that John is laying on the table is Industrial Organizational Psychology. I could not agree more with John on this one. Industrial Psychology would indeed be a very good way for John to combine what he learnt in the cooperate world together with Psychology. However, John should always keep in mind that this is a competitive world. The field of Industrial Psychology is just one of the fields tha t experience a lot of competition when it comes to pursuing a graduate program in the field. However, the best advice for John would be to first of all take a professional course that is related to business or rather the cooperate world. Such courses include Business Management, Business Administration, Marketing or even Certified Public Accounting (CPA). In this way, he would be able to prove his skills in the cooperate world, not just by word of mouth or experience but by Certified Professional Courses. This, together with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology would raise his bar much higher. Having done any of these professional courses, John would not only be fit to pursue Industrial or Organizational Psychology but he would also be able to compete with other individuals. CITATION Tho05 l 1033 (Wadsworth, 2005) References l 1033 Helms, J. L. (2011). Majoring in Psychology. New York : New York University Press. Kuther, T. (2012). Careers in Psychology; Opprtumities in a Changing World. New York: New York University Press. Sternberg, R. J. (2007). Career Paths in Psychology. Oxford University Press. Super, D. (2008). Opportunities in Psychology Careers. Oxford University Press. Wadsworth, T. (2005). Your Career in Psychology; Industrial /Organizational Psychology. New York: New York University Press. Source document